Chalmers Teknologkonsulter
Website Re-design
A re-design of a company website
1 month
Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Squarespace
Chalmers Teknologkonsulter is a student consultancy firm to provide consultancy services to companies and organizations. During my time in the company, one of the projects was re-designing their website into a more aesthetically pleasing website. The company decided to use Squarespace. Apart from leading the project, my responsibilities were also to create and implement a design that met the company’s requirements. Niklas Åvall created all the icons.
Site map
A sitemap of the website was created to meet the requirements with different functions and pages.
Hand sketches
With the base structure from the sitemap, I could experiment further with the different pages using hand sketches. Inspiration was taken from other company websites to explore different possibilities.

The best solutions from the hand sketches was implemented in Figma to create wireframes. The wireframes showed the structure of the web pages and were used as a communication tool for the CEO and project team.

Design Style
The design style was created by me and Niklas Åvall to set the tone for the website in terms of colors and iconography. I was responsible for the colors and fonts while Åvall was responsible for the icons. These were used to illustrate the structure to the CEO and project team.

Hi-Fi Prototype
A high fidelity prototype was created in Figma where the structure and design style were combined into what would result in the final website.

Final Website
The website was implemented in Squarespace and could finally be live!

Mockup designed by / Freepik